Saturday, July 11, 2015

238: and then its over

Eid is exactly a week from now. Ramadhan comes fleeting by just like that.  Like this.  This person was far from ready to celebrate its arrival and yet now its already leaving..

Life as a mom of two and career woman is tough. Need to renew niat at every single thing that i do even tho it looks like such a waste of time (like lipat baju then kene selongkar balik, mop lantai bape saat dah tumpah air balik T_T)

Semasa diri seorang pelajar, fokusnya banyak pada ibadah khusus.  Nak kejar khatam quran,  nak kejar pahala iktikaf,  nak kejar rakaat2 tahajud..  But now not anymore..

Widening ibadah scope..  Belajar ikhlaskan hati n redha n happy.. Syukur selalu..

Semoga Allah memberkati

Monday, July 6, 2015

237: transient

I was browsing and selecting photos from my undergrad years in Melbourne when it struck me .. few people I met during my journey there have actually departed from this world. One of them was my age,  another one was 2 years my junior.

They died.  It is so strange using that word. Death.  We know we are not immortal yet, it never fails to make us feel  vulnerable whenever one of us is touched by death.

We felt like we were on top of the world,  we became the selected fews who managed to secure the overseas scholarship. We felt like we were meant to be someone,  somebody important to the world,  and yet,  and yet one of us died.

.. and i came back home, and still i am nobody.

What defines a person? 

That short period of euphoric Melbourne moments, what is the purpose?

From Him we came,  and to Him we will return.