Kepada yang ask me to update.. heh. Maaf, exam tak abes lagi. I just let the pics tell my story for this past weeks je la..(n my elaborations sikit2)
This was in Copland Theatre, University of Melbourne. There was a talk by Sheikh Yusuf Estes. Ever heard of him? Oh the talk amat best. It was held on 2 nights. Last Saturday and Sunday. I wanted to write about the isi of the talk, in fact, ada I've written a bit, but still in draft. Tak siap lagi so takleh post. Nak write byk2 rasa bersalah because I still got 2000 words to go for my History of Astronomy nye essay. Has to be submitted this friday. But one important point is: Islam is so beautiful! Alhamdulillah3! He allows me to feel this...
Ape-ape pun, bismillahi tawakaltu alallah..
Oh, gambar diambil masa dah abes exam. So no worries ok..
Ni keadaan sekarang. Sedang (kononnya) bertunggus-lumus menyiapkan essay. Tak duduk bilik sebab sejuk. So bersetinggan kat living room.. bermejakan ironing board. Huhu. This essay is to be submitted tomorrow before 12 am.
Then, kene accelerate for my last paper this Monday, Vector Analysis.
Bila exam period ni, amat terasa kering. Huhu. You know what I mean. So peringatan buat diri yang kene bermujahadah utk membasahkan hati...
Sepatutnya bila time ginilah lagi rasa near with our Creator.. yela.. mase examlah barulah kita sedar akan erti tawakal.. erti usaha.. erti susah payah.. erti kepasrahan.. erti redha.. and erti how He tak menyia-nyiakan segala usaha kita.. How He likes to hear us keep on praying and hoping, pergantungan hanya kepada DIA yang maha berkuasa atas segala sesuatu... and He knows what best for us.. masa sekarang nilah dapat kita apply all the 'theory2' itu.. the right reaction at the right time..
Oh Allah, guide me throughout..
.. dan barulah akan terasa amat indah sekali.. indah sekali Ya Allah!
Huh, let the pics tell the story konon...
Bila exam period ni, amat terasa kering. Huhu. You know what I mean. So peringatan buat diri yang kene bermujahadah utk membasahkan hati...
Sepatutnya bila time ginilah lagi rasa near with our Creator.. yela.. mase examlah barulah kita sedar akan erti tawakal.. erti usaha.. erti susah payah.. erti kepasrahan.. erti redha.. and erti how He tak menyia-nyiakan segala usaha kita.. How He likes to hear us keep on praying and hoping, pergantungan hanya kepada DIA yang maha berkuasa atas segala sesuatu... and He knows what best for us.. masa sekarang nilah dapat kita apply all the 'theory2' itu.. the right reaction at the right time..
Oh Allah, guide me throughout..
.. dan barulah akan terasa amat indah sekali.. indah sekali Ya Allah!
Huh, let the pics tell the story konon...
hoho! berani tangkap gambo mase exam.. die tak takut budak2 meniru ke bawak hp camera?
die tak kesa bwk masuk hp tp kene off n letak kat lantai.. tapi ni mase dah abes .. org dah kutip kertas, so i ape lagi.. haha.. bgunn tu amat lawo.. nnt kene amek interior die yg amat lawo itu jugak
haha..sile2..letak banyak2 gambo sikit! i suke tgk gambo je.. ,malas membace sekarang.. yela.. dah bape tahun dok uia membace buku je.. skrg dah GRAD, nak dok rilek plak. hahahahhaha
awal muna amik VA
1st sem 2nd sem
kte kna amik ms 1st sem 3ry year
nway, br abes final eh
so slmt berehat ;)
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