Sunday, November 16, 2008

52: Futile attempt

This is Chesty who was frustrated at her futile attempts to get into my room. Sorry Chesty, I'm still feeling uncomfortable with adult cats in the room ... kittens ok lagi.

And this is me.. frustrated at her futile attempts to study without losing focus.

My first paper in 2 days time. Oh, everyone else is either finishing their exam or happily smiling,contented, back in Malaysia..

Oh Allah, never let me go.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

51: Hasbiyallah


Aku mahu jadi si kecil yang semua org mendengar tangisannya.

Aku mahu jadi si lemah yang semua orang mahu menyokongnya.

Aku mahu jadi si pengadu yang semua orang mahu mendengarkannya.

Aku mahu jadi si pengecut yang semua orang mententeramkannya.

Aku mahu jadi si kememeh, yang semua tak kisah menyeka air matanya...

Tapi .... lebih lagi sebenarnya.. sepatutnya.. hakikatnya...

Aku mahu jadi dia yang sentiasa sedar yang dia punya Tuhan yang maha segalanya.

Aku mahu jadi dia yang tak perlu sesiapa, hanya Dia.

Aku mahu jadi dia yang tak pernah kalah dengan pujuk rayu hatinya.

Aku mahu jadi dia yang kuat kerana Allah benar-benar Ilahnya...

Hasbiyallah.. Hasbiyallah.. Hasbiyallah.. Wani’mal wakeel.

La ilaha illa anta, subhanaka.. inni kuntu minazholimin...

(Benarlah.. sangat benarlah.. sesungguhnya dengan mengingati Allah itu hati akan menjadi tenang.. Alhamdulillah)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

50: Choices

Dan janganlah kamu berhati lemah dalam mengejar mereka (musuhmu). Jika kamu menderita kesakitan, maka ketahuilah mereka pun menderita kesakitan (pula), sebagaimana kamu rasakan, sedang kamu masih dapat mengharapkan dari Allah apa yang tidak dapat mereka harapkan. Allah Maha Mengetahui, Maha Bijaksana.


And slacken not in following up the enemy: if ye are suffering hardships, They are suffering similar hardships; but ye have hope from Allah, while they have none. and Allah is full of knowledge and wisdom.

-An-Nisa 4:104-


Apa ya beza kita dan mereka?

Stress exam, tak faham subject material, banyak tak cover lagi, scholarship tak masuk-masuk, duit tak cukup, orang menyakitkan hati disekeliling, family problems, sakit fizikal, sakit mental, etc2

Semua orang boleh punya masalah serupa. Semua boleh ada masalah yang sama dengan kita. Regardless of their belief. Regardless of their faith.

Yang beza adalah, kita ada Allah.. to whom we can always rely on.

Bezanya, ialah how you deal with each problem. You can choose to feel however you want. Choose to be happy, choose to be calm, for you have Allah. Al-Waliy. The Guardian.

Apa beza kita dan mereka jika cara kita deal dengan masalah pun sama macam cara mereka? keep on whining and cursing, giving up, hurting ourselves.. making things worse.. complicate the already chaotic situation.

I choose to be calm. Al-Hilmy.

I'm a human that always forget. Sometimes I forget that I have choices. Sometimes I forget that I'm in control.

Dear friends, keep on reminding me.

Oh Allah, Al-Waliy.. You're my ultimate guardian. Forgive me when I whine. Remind me when I forget. Kau yang memegang hatiku ini. Teguhkan aku.

Alhamdulillah ala kulli hal :)


Tetibe rasa tak reti dah nak tulis.. handicapped. Uhuhu.

Inna lillah wa inna ilahi raji'un ..


A related nasyid yang amat sedap dan bermakna!

Zain Bikha - Heart of A Muslim

Looking up at the sky, searching for Allah most High
He rejected the way of worshipping Gods of clay
Prophet Ebrahim knew that Allah was near
And that the heart of a Muslim is sincere

Under the hot burning sun, he declared God is one
Though with stones on his chest, his Imaan would not rest
The Muadhin knew that right would conquer wrong
And the heart of a Muslim must be strong

It's the heart of a Muslim through the guidance of Islam
That makes you fair and kind and helpful to your fellow man
So living as a Muslim means that you must play a part
Allah looks not at how you look, but what is in your heart

In our poor meager state, little food on our plate
Mother said she was glad, always sharing what we had
When I asked how can we share what's not enough
She said the heart of a Muslim's filled with love

He said its time you should know, you will learn as you grow
That some people around will do what's bad to bring you down
Father said to be a star that's shining bright
For the heart of a Muslim does what's right

So whatever you do, make sure your words are true
Honesty is the best, because life is a test
Even if it hurts so much you want to cry
For the heart of a Muslim does not lie

Saturday, November 1, 2008

49: Important Dates

Final Exam for Semester 2, 2008

19th Nov - Mathematical Methods
21st Nov - Further Classical & Quantum Mechanics
24th Nov - Electromagnetism & Special Relativity

Dengan kekuatan Tuhan, akan membantumu!

31st Dec - Balik Malaysia :)

p/s: Selamat bertunang to my dear brother, Suhaib. Today at Teluk Intan. Wish I were there.