Change. Berubah.
It's so possible that you have to agree.
Sometimes we tend to think like..
"Oh, this is me"
"Oh, I know I cannot be like this, but there's this one part in me that I can never change"
"I'm born like this"
"This is the way I was brought up!"
All the thoughts that keep us from THE CHANGE that we really want.
Sometimes we tend to think that idealism is something so ideal that can never be attained.
I tend to think like that, once upon a time.
I was brought up in a secure environment. I went to Islamic School since standard 3, until form 5. I was taught all the nilai-nilai murni dan islami since small. Some stick to me, become part of me, some hanya berlalu seperti angin sepoi-sepoi bahasa.
Akhlak. Yang rasa senang, amat mudah nak diamalkan, akan diamalkan hence menjadi akhlak. Yang macam susah, tak biasa, ditinggalkan, dan hanya menambah panjang list akhlak-akhlak yang I HOPED I could acquire.
Sabar, tahan marah, rajin, berlapang dada, etc2.. the list can be as long as you want. People always hope. Fitrahnya manusia mahukan akhlak-akhlak demikian dalam diri.
Honestly, what I personally felt is "I know, I have to be better. I want to be better. But I know myself more than anyone else, and there's this part in me that I KNOW I CAN NEVER CHANGE".
And there was also time when I became so frustrated with myself. "Why am I like this? Why am I DESTINED to be like this? Why oh why can't I change?"
But as I learnt more and more about Islam, Alhamdulillah, I came to this realization and reality that I can change.
Islam, selain menyempurnakan syariat dengan segala kesyumulannya, juga adalah untuk menyempurnakan akhlak yang mulia.
"Sesungguhnya aku diutus untuk menyempurnakan akhlak yang mulia" (HR Bukhari)
(Al-Ahzab 33:21)Rasulullah dan para sahabat adalah manusia biasa seperti kita juga. Jahiliyah-jahiliyah yang mereka hadapi dan hidup dengannya adalah lebih teruk dari apa yang perlu kita buangkan dari dalam diri. Namun mereka berjaya berubah, dan menjadi generasi paling hebat pernah kita tahu, dengan akhlak yang sangat mantap. If they can do it, why can't we?
Pada Rasulullah ada contoh yang boleh sangat-sangat kita ikut. BAGI MEREKA YANG AMAT MEGHARAPKAN KEREDHAAN ALLAH. Only this matters and only this will keep us strong in our process of changing. Niat. Niat kita hanya kerana Allah dan kefahaman kita bahawa one day kita PASTI menghadap Allah kembali...
Mujahadah itu kunci. Struggle against all the evil and all the cubaan dan halangan that hinder us from istiqamah in our mujahadah untuk berubah.
Susah, memang susah. So hard. That's why it's so worth it. Syurga. That's why it's so worth it! Syurga sangat mahal ok. And it can be either syurga dan neraka~
Dan bila bermujahadah, dan berjaya berubah, barulah akan merasa manisnya.. sangat manis :)
It's a continuous struggle. And most often than not we will feel tired and weak. But imaan is the key. Our faith in Allah. Tiada daya dan tiada upaya, tiada kekuatan selain dari-Nya. This keep us strong. REAL STRONG.
Change, is possible.
And if you can sense that I'm changing (to the better of course), Alhamdulillah.
If you can sense that I'm not changing, keep on reminding the forgetful me~